

Hike Location and Carpool

Attending: 2

Hiking Member Raabert Nixon +0
Rex, OK. At first I thought your photo was taken at the Pulgas Water Temple. But on further observation it appears to be the Sunol Water Temple. Which is correct? Oh. May I join your group. Robert Nixon
Hiking Member Peg +0

Maybe Coming: 0

Not Coming: 0

Tuesday November 30 2010
Sam McDonald County Park dayhike Tuesday

Organized by

Location not specified.
11:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Feet of Elevation
Weekday hiking on the San Francisco peninsula
Contact Phone
Rex h 650-365-3660 or c 650-644-8906

Will You Join? To RSVP,

I am bringing guests

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Hike Description:

Come join us in this park just west of La Honda. We'll hike up and down the trails and fire roads of this lesser-known area, which is part of the Portola/Pescadero Creek/Memorial Park complex. Restrooms available at the start. $6 parking fee (seniors free). Back at the carpools by 4pm.

Carpool: 10am Homestead Square shopping center, next to Homestead Square sign on Homestead Rd., Cupertino
or 10:15am Edgewood Rd. & I280 Park & Ride west of Redwood City

Drive yourself: meet 11am in Sam McDonald main parking lot. From 101 or 280: Take Highway 84 (Woodside Rd.) west to La Honda. Turn left 1/2 mile past village center in La Honda onto Pescadero Road. The park entrance is on Pescadero Road 6 miles from the turn-off.

Park website: http://www.co.sanmateo.ca.us/portal/site/parks/menuitem.f13bead76123ee4482439054d17332a0/?vgnextoid=e87bc8909231e110VgnVCM1000001d37230aRCRD&cpsextcurrchannel=1

Recommended Clothing:

The hike is about half shaded, so bring removable layers.

Recommended Food:

Bring lunch or snack, and your favorite beverage.

Cancellation Condition:

Dogs Allowed:


Have photos from this hike?



Hiking Member Raabert Nixon
Tuesday's weather conditions are expected to be cool but no rain is forecast. It should be nice hiking conditions.
Hiking Member Alex Genadinik
I like this group's hikes :)
Hiking Member Alex Genadinik
By the way, I think I am this group's least in shape member.
Hiking Member Rex
Hey, I just saw these comments. Forgot people signed up for this hike.

Alex, you may be right about least in shape.
Hiking Member Rex
So who sees these comments? Do you have to look here occasionally to see them?
Hiking Member Rex
I guess Raabert commented when he signed up for this hike, but I just found it. Guess I'd have to send him a private email to comment.

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