

Hike Location and Carpool

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Hiking Member Alex Genadinik +0
This looks like a great hike. If I did not lead my hike, I would like to attend this!

Sunday May 1 2011
Sunday 5/1/2011 Briones-MtDiablo Trail 8 miles - suburban hike

Organized by
Patrick Kelly

Location Lafayette Staging Area, Pleasant Hill Road
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Feet of Elevation
Meeting Address
Lafayette Staging Area, Pleasant Hill Road

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Hike Description:

Sunday 8:30 a.m. Meet and park at Briones Regional Park, Lafayette Ridge staging area on Pleasant Hill Road, approximately 0.5 mile north of the Lafayette exit off Rt.24. Meet me on the streetside of the parking lot (refer to the photo below).
ROUTE: Briones-Mt.Diablo Regional trail through the Acalanes Open Space. See views of Carquinez Strait. Follow the trail under I680, along the canal to Heather
Farms Park in Walnut Creek. Take a break and return.
Moderately fast pace. One way distance is 4 miles. The first mile includes a
strenuous hill climb of several hundred feet. Much of the trip is through open spaces and suburban settings. I scouted the west side of the route last week, and found no facilities along the route. There are some parks nearby that likely have them. Bring a liter or two of water.
Let me know if you are coming and I will wait a few minutes for stragglers.

Patrick Kelly

Recommended Clothing:


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Cancellation Condition:

Rain does not cancel.

Dogs Allowed:


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